IMPORTANT ——————————————————— Please make sure to always back up your files before updating. I am not responsible for any update going wrong and messing / losing your previous or actual files. FILE CHANGES ——————————————————— All the files have been changed as this is a massive update. Replace all the folders / files except the "uploads" folder, "install" folder and the "app/config/config.php" file. uploads/offline_payment_proofs/ - Create folder and chmod 777 DATABASE CHANGES -------------------- IMPORTANT: MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP YOUR DATABASE JUST TO BE SAFE. You will have to run the following queries into your database. You can run those with PhpMyAdmin -> selecting the database -> going to the SQL tab and running the following mysql queries: COPY & RUN THE FOLLOWING QUERIES -------- alter table track_links add project_id int null after id; create index track_links_project_id_index on track_links (project_id); UPDATE IGNORE `track_links` JOIN `links` ON `track_links`.`link_id` = `links`.`link_id` SET `track_links`.`project_id` = `links`.`project_id`; alter table users modify country varchar(32) default null; alter table packages modify monthly_price float null; alter table packages modify annual_price float null; alter table packages add lifetime_price float null after annual_price; INSERT INTO `settings` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('offline_payment', '{\"is_enabled\":\"0\",\"instructions\":\"Your offline payment instructions go here..\"}'); -------- COPY & RUN THE FOLLOWING QUERIES ONLY IF YOU HAVE THE EXTENDED LICENSE -------- alter table payments modify processor varchar(16) null; alter table payments modify type varchar(16) null; alter table payments add status tinyint default 1 null after currency; UPDATE payments SET type = 'one_time' WHERE type = 'one-time'; UPDATE payments SET type = 'recurring' WHERE type = 'RECURRING'; alter table payments add payment_proof varchar(40) default null after currency; UPDATE payments SET processor = 'stripe' WHERE processor = 'STRIPE'; UPDATE payments SET processor = 'paypal' WHERE processor = 'PAYPAL'; alter table payments change plan frequency varchar(16) null; --------